Date Speaker Title
2003-03-07 Batakci On the Cohomology of the Steenrod Algebra mod Nilpotent Elements
McCooey Concordance of Z_p x Z_p actions on S^4
2003-04-04 Hughes Racks and Link Homotopy
Umble Canonical Cochain Operations on Permutahedra
2003-09-04 DeTurck Poincare's Conjecture, Thurston's program, and Perelman's Proof
2003-10-03 Lyons Problems in Quantum Entanglement
2003-11-07 Rosson Possibly Post Poincare Effects on some Famous Conjectures about 2-Complexes
2004-02-06 Costinescu The Ehresmann Connection Related to Orbit Stratification in Compact Semi-Simple Lie Algebras
2004-04-02 Wilce Stone-Cech Compactifications of G-Bundles
2004-09-03 Umble Some New Cochain Operations on Permutahedra
2004-10-01 Praton From Quantum Groups to Quantum Dixmier Algebras I
2004-11-05 Praton Quantum Groups and Dixmier Algebras II
2004-12-03 Umble Drinfeld Algebras as Deformations of Hopf Algebras
2005-02-04 Johnson Mass-minimizing Sections of Bundles
2005-03-04 McCooey Free Symmetry Ranks of Spheres and Products of Spheres
2005-04-01 Brakke Triply Periodic Minimal Surfaces
2005-09-09 Gluck The Gauss Linking Integral on the 3-sphere and in Hyperbolic 3-space
2005-11-04 Davis Homotopy Groups of Compact Lie groups
2005-11-18 Stoltzfus Counting Circles: Jones Polynomial of Knots, Temperley-Lieb Algebras and the Root Poset of A_n
2006-02-03 Umble Operads with a Twist of Matrons
2006-04-07 Bagchi Quantum Mechanics as a Deformation of Classical Mechanics
2006-05-05 Yetter Topological Quantum Field Theories: What are they? Who ordered that?
2006-09-15 Walck Classifying Quantum Entanglement Using the Local Unitary Group Action
2006-11-03 Stasheff A Gentle Introduction to the Homotopy Algebra of String Field Theory
2006-12-01 McCleary Borsuk-Ulam Theorems for the Complement of Arrangements
2007-02-02 Berciano From Topology to Algebra
2007-03-02 Nimersheim A Hyperbolic Geometer Does Number Theory (or is it .attempts to do.?)
2007-03-30 Hicks Direct Methods of Optical Design
2007-04-27 Morgan Manifolds with Density
2007-09-14 Carter Non-loopable K-theory equivalences
2007-10-05 Umble Some Naturally Occurring Examples of A-infinity Bialgebras
2007-11-02 Sell Geometric and Topological Invariants of Singularities
2007-11-30 Gibney What are the geometric fibrations of the moduli space of curves?
2008-02-01 McCooey Symmetry groups of non-simply-connected four-manifolds
2008-02-29 Doytchinov Compactly Determined Spaces
2008-04-04 Richeson Itineraries of rigid rotations of the circle
2008-05-02 Hunter Joyal's quasi-categories for beginners
2008-09-12 Miller Edge colored hypergraphic arrangements
2008-10-17 Lyons Classification of Multi-party Quantum Entanglement: Continuing Work
2008-11-07 Staecker Nielsen fixed point and related theories
2008-12-05 Hughes Link Homotopy Invariant Quandles: A Cautionary Tale Concerning the "Obvious" Way to Define Something
2009-02-06 Gomez A tour of Sasakian geometry
2009-03-13 Smith Why Gauge Groups are Abelian After Rationalization
2009-04-03 Kronholm Homological Sensor Networks
2009-07-10 Berciano Decomposing Cavities in Digital Volumes into Products of Cycles
2009-09-04 Glubokov Introduction to ideas of Noncommutative Geometry
2009-10-02 Cobbs Bass-Serre theory: constructing groups as fundamental groups of graphs of groups
2009-11-06 Han Morse Homology and Floer Homology
2009-12-04 Hurtubise Different approaches to the Morse-Bott inequalities
2010-03-05 Culbert Cayley-Dickson algebras, vector products, and finite geometry
2010-04-09 Richeson A new way of generating symbolic dynamics for discrete dynamical systems
2010-09-10 Kennedy Zariski decomposition: a new (old) chapter of linear algebra
2010-10-01 Meier Combinatorics, Morse Theory and Topology at Infinity
2010-11-05 Berkove A primer on L^2 homology
2010-12-03 Sell All About Splice Quotients
2011-02-04 Umble Tensor products of A-infinty algebras with homotopy inner products
2011-03-04 Nie Invariant functions and spin Calogero-Moser systems
2011-04-01 McDuff Symplectic embeddings and continued fractions
2011-09-16 Lyons Classifying entanglement for symmetric states of n quantum bits
2011-10-14 Melvin Degree formulas for higher order linking
2011-11-11 Terilla Algebraic structures ex nihilo
2011-12-02 Umble Non-operadic operations on loop cohomology
2012-02-03 Talvacchia Some remarks on Generalized Geometries
2012-03-02 McCooey Orientability of fixed-point sets of group actions on four-manifolds
2012-04-13 Ghrist Topological Duality and Network Flows
2012-09-14 Stolzfus Knots with Cyclic Symmetries and Knot Polynomial Constraints and Recursions
2012-10-05 Johnson Wheeled Graphs Indexing Operational Structures
2012-12-07 Dolgushev A manifestation of the Grothendieck-Teichmueller group in geometry
2013-02-01 Kolins Face-Vectors of Subdivisions of Manifolds
2013-03-01 Tradler Holonomy via higher Hochschild complexes
2013-04-05 David-Roesler Representation theory via surfaces
2013-05-03 Han Some results on the spectral metric in symplectic geometry
2013-09-06 Brakke Soap Films and Time Machines (slides)
2013-10-04 Gluck Lipschitz Minimality of Group Multiplication on the Three-Sphere (slides)
2013-11-01 McCleary A Reprise on the Closed Geodesics Problem (slides)
2013-12-06 Hicks Controlling Ray Bundles with Reflectors
2014-02-07 Melvin Dissolution of 4-dimensional exoticity
2014-03-07 DeTurck Linking Integrals in Three-dimensional Geometries (slides)
2014-04-04 Johnson Secondary Characteristic Classes and Applications (slides)
2014-09-12 Lyons Graphs and Hypergraphs, Symmetry and Entanglement
2014-10-03 Johnson Sectional Curvatures
2014-11-07 Sabloff Topologically Distinct Lagrangian Fillings and the Generating Family Homology Number
2014-12-05 Coll The Homotopy Type of Seaweed Lie Algebras
2015-02-06 Traynor Lagrangian Endocobordisms for a Legendrian Knot
2015-04-10 Nimershiem Cellular decompositions of hyperbolic 3-manifolds
2015-05-01 Han Comparison of metrics on the Hamiltonian and symplectomorphism groups
2015-09-11 Zeinalian Holonomy of flat superconnections and Poisson geometry of moduli stack of local systems
2015-10-02 Hughes Mathematical Modeling of Voice Leading in Music: From Set Maps to Orbifold Fundamental Groupoids
2015-11-06 Futer Effective hyperbolic geometry
2015-12-04 Umble, Nimershiem, and Fansler Detecting the Linkage of an n-Component Brunnian Link (slides)
2016-02-05 Napier The Bochner-Hartogs dichotomy
2016-03-04 Gomez Some Results in Generalized Contact Geometry
2016-04-01 Lyons Discrete symmetries of hypergraph states (slides)
2016-09-16 Myer A Product Structure for Generating Family Cohomology for Legendrians
2016-10-14 Coll Seaweed and poset algebras -- synergies and cohomology (slides, part 1), (slides, part 2)
2016-11-04 Droms Planar Cayley Graphs (slides)
2016-12-02 Folkestad Geometry and Topology of the KdV equation
2017-02-03 Rody Integral Surfaces, Prescribed Curvature, and Optics
2017-03-10 Schwarz Cork twists, and smooth structures on 4-manifolds
2017-04-07 Tweedy Some invariants of Seifert fibered homology spheres (and of their fibers)
2017-09-15 Umble Computing the cohomology algebra of a polyhedral complex
2017-10-13 Pezzimenti Fillings of Legendrian Knots: Obstructions and Constructions
2017-11-03 Coll The Flat Plane
2018-02-02 Chan To Finiteness and Below
2018-03-02 Umble The Coherent Framed Join and Biassociahedra
2018-04-06 Merling Group actions in algebraic K-theory
2018-09-14 Chen Enumerative Geometry: Numbers and Beyond
2018-10-05 Bering Uniform twisting in mapping class groups and outer automorphisms of free groups
2018-11-02 Bobkova Decomposition and duality in stable homotopy theory
2019-02-08 Coll Why curves curve: finding the geodesics on a donut
2019-04-05 Xu Symplectic realizations of Poisson manifolds
2019-09-13 Brazas Infinitary operations in fundamental groupoids
2019-10-11 Stover Geometric consequences of (non)arithmeticity
2019-11-01 Riehl Homotopy types as a foundation for mathematics
2020-02-07 Lyons Function-encoding Quantum States (slides)
2020-03-06 McCooey On a counterexample to a theorem of McCooey, and other stories
2022-03-04 Lyman Train track maps on graphs of groups and CTs for free products
2022-09-09 Nimershiem Geometric triangulations of a family of hyperbolic 3-braids
2022-10-14 Schwartz Homotopy 4-spheres from a 5D perspective
2022-11-04 Kaplan-Kelly Right-angled links in thickened surfaces
2023-03-03 Kent Inverse Limits of Covering Spaces
2023-04-14 Mullican Extending Powers of Pseudo-Anosovs
2023-09-08 Masuda The Tensor Product of Categorical Spectra
2023-10-13 Umble Comparing Diagonals on the Associahedra (slides)
2023-11-03 Stolzfus Cracking the Algebraic Cold Heart of the Braid Group
2024-02-02 Baez Two of My Favorite Numbers: 8 and 24
2024-03-01 Krishna Unknot detection through the ages
2024-04-05 Martin Annular links, double branched covers, and annular Khovanov homology
2024-10-04 Umble Gerstenhaber-Schack Bialgebras (slides)
2024-11-01 Brazas Unwinding paths in the plane to form an R-tree
2025-02-07 Coll The Riemann Mapping Theorem and Curve Rounding Flows