Date: 7 November 2014, 4:30pm
Location: Hempfield High School, Room 213
 Speaker: Josh Sabloff, Haverford College
   Title: Topologically Distinct Lagrangian Fillings and the
   Generating Family Homology Number

Abstract. We construct Legendrian submanifolds with arbitrarily
many topologically distinct Lagrangian fillings, thereby (secretly)
answering a question about intersections of complex curves with the
4-ball asked by Boileau and Fourrier. These fillings are then combined
with a TQFT-like theory for Lagrangian cobordisms between Legendrian
submanifolds to produce interesting consequences for some non-classical
invariants of the Legendrian submanifolds with topologically distinct
fillings.  Various parts of this talk are joint work with Traynor,
Bourgeois-Traynor, and Cao-Gallup-Hayden.