Date/Time: 7 February 2025, 4:30pm ET Location: Stager 215, Franklin & Marshall College Zoom: (zoom link to talk) Speaker: Vince Coll, Lehigh University Title: The Riemann Mapping Theorem and Curve Rounding Flows Abstract: Given a smooth Jordan curve $\alpha$, the Riemann Mapping Theorem provides a biholomorphism $f(z)$ from the open unit disk $D$ to the open planar region $\Omega$ bounded by $\alpha$. The \textit{smooth} Riemann mapping Theorem asserts that $f(z)$ extends smoothly to the boundary, mapping $\overline{D}$ to $\overline{\Omega}$. The pullback of the Euclidean metric $g_0$ has the form $f^*(g_0)=e^{2\varphi}g_0$, where $\varphi$ is a harmonic function. We call these \textit{harmonic metrics}. In this presentation, we introduce and solve a flow equation for harmonic metrics on $\overline{D}$ arising from a Riemann map. A solution is a \textit{harmonic metric flow} that can be visualized by isometrically embedding $\overline{D}$ in the Euclidean plane for each harmonic metric in the flow. A further enhancement to visualization is achieved by focusing on the embeddings of the $S^1$ boundary of $\overline{D}$. This yields a flow of smooth Jordan curves, starting from the original Jordan curve $\alpha$. For any harmonic metric flow of curves, we compute arclenth, enclosed area, and curvature of the intermediate curves in the flow. These curve flows are best described as ``curve-rounding" flows since the flow solutions always converge to a circle, never becoming singular. Importantly, these flows are curve-shortening and area-reducing, and once an intermediate curve becomes convex, all subsequent curves are convex.