{-# OPTIONS -Wall #-}
module AnimateFunction where
-- Make an SVG animation of a function of x and t. --
-- The main functions to use are animateFunction and animateFunctions. --
animateFunction :: FilePath -> ((R,R) -> R) -> (R,R,R) -> (R,R,R) -> IO ()
animateFunction filename f (xMin,dx,xMax) (tMin,dt,tMax)
= let xs = [xMin, xMin + dx .. xMax]
ts = [tMin, tMin + dt .. tMax]
xyPairs :: R -> [(R,R)]
xyPairs t = [(x, f (x,t)) | x <- xs]
ys = concat [map snd (xyPairs t) | t <- ts]
yMin = minimum ys
yMax = maximum ys
scaledPairs t = scalePairs xMin xMax yMin yMax (xyPairs t)
svgStart = "\n"
++ "\n"
++ "\n"
matter = concat [oneCurve t dt (0,0,255) (scaledPairs t) | t <- ts]
in writeFile filename $ svgStart ++ matter ++ svgEnd
animateFunctions :: FilePath -> [((R,R) -> R,(Int,Int,Int))] -> (R,R,R) -> (R,R,R) -> IO ()
animateFunctions filename prs (xMin,dx,xMax) (tMin,dt,tMax)
= let (fs,cs) = unzip prs
anims = makeAnimations fs (xMin,dx,xMax) (tMin,dt,tMax)
(yMin,yMax) = animationsRange anims
scaledAnims = scaleAnimations xMin xMax yMin yMax anims
scaledACs = zip scaledAnims cs
svgStart = "\n"
++ "\n"
++ "\n"
matter = animationsMatter scaledACs
in writeFile filename $ svgStart ++ matter ++ svgEnd
-- Examples --
-- traveling wave
anim01 :: IO ()
anim01 = let k = 1
omega = 1
in animateFunction "anim01.svg" (\(x,t) -> cos (k * x - omega * t)) (0,0.1,10) (0,0.1,10)
-- standing wave
anim02 :: IO ()
anim02 = let k = 3 * pi / 10
omega = 1
in animateFunction "anim02.svg" (\(x,t) -> sin (k * x) * cos (omega * t)) (0,0.1,10) (0,0.1,10)
-- triangle pulse
anim03 :: IO ()
anim03 = let k = 1
omega = 1
triangle x
| x < 0 = 0
| x < 0.5 = 2 * x
| x < 1 = 2 - 2 * x
| otherwise = 0
in animateFunction "anim03.svg" (\(x,t) -> triangle (k * x - omega * t)) (0,0.1,10) (0,0.1,10)
-- Gaussian pulse
anim04 :: IO ()
anim04 = let k = 1
v = 1
in animateFunction "anim04.svg" (\(x,t) -> 1000 * exp (-k * (x - v * t)**2) - 300) (-5,0.1,5) (0,0.1,10)
-- narrowing Gaussian
anim05 :: IO ()
anim05 = let a t = 6 - t
in animateFunction "anim05.svg" (\(x,t) -> exp (-(x/a t)**2) / (a t * sqrt pi)) (-2,0.1,2) (1,0.1,5)
-- standing wave of E and B
anim06 :: IO ()
anim06 = animateFunctions "anim06.svg" [(\(x,t) -> sin (x - t) + sin (x + t),(0,0,255))
,(\(x,t) -> sin (x - t) - sin (x + t),(255,0,0))] (0,0.1,3*pi) (0,0.1,10)
-- Supporting code --
type R = Double
lineToText :: (R,R) -> String
lineToText (x,y) = "L " ++ show x ++ "," ++ show (-y) ++ " "
framePathText :: [(R,R)] -> String
framePathText xys = 'M' : tail (concatMap lineToText xys)
oneCurve :: R -> R -> (Int,Int,Int) -> [(R,R)] -> String
oneCurve t dt rgb xys
= let fpt = framePathText xys
pre = ""
middle = " \n"
post = ""
in pre ++ middle ++ post
-- scale to the range -1 to 1
scale :: R -> R -> R -> R
scale xmin xmax x = 2 * (x - xmin) / (xmax - xmin) - 1
scalePair :: R -> R -> R -> R -> (R,R) -> (R,R)
scalePair xmin xmax ymin ymax (x,y)
= (scale xmin xmax x, scale ymin ymax y)
scalePairs :: R -> R -> R -> R -> [(R,R)] -> [(R,R)]
scalePairs xmin xmax ymin ymax
= map $ scalePair xmin xmax ymin ymax
type Curve = [(R,R)] -- list of xy pairs
type Animation = ([(Curve,R)],R) -- ([(curve,t)],dt)
curveRange :: [(R,R)] -> (R,R)
curveRange xys = let ys = map snd xys
in (minimum ys, maximum ys)
animationRange :: Animation -> (R,R)
animationRange (cts,_) = curveRange $ concatMap fst cts
animationsRange :: [Animation] -> (R,R)
animationsRange anims
= let ranges = map animationRange anims
(yMins,yMaxs) = unzip ranges
in (minimum yMins, maximum yMaxs)
makeCurve :: ((R,R) -> R) -> (R,R,R) -> R -> Curve
makeCurve f (xMin,dx,xMax) t
= let xs = [xMin, xMin + dx .. xMax]
in [(x, f (x,t)) | x <- xs]
makeAnimation :: ((R,R) -> R) -> (R,R,R) -> (R,R,R) -> Animation
makeAnimation f (xMin,dx,xMax) (tMin,dt,tMax)
= let ts = [tMin, tMin + dt .. tMax]
in ([(makeCurve f (xMin,dx,xMax) t,t) | t <- ts],dt)
makeAnimations :: [(R,R) -> R] -> (R,R,R) -> (R,R,R) -> [Animation]
makeAnimations fs (xMin,dx,xMax) (tMin,dt,tMax)
= map (\f -> makeAnimation f (xMin,dx,xMax) (tMin,dt,tMax)) fs
scaleCurve :: R -> R -> R -> R -> Curve -> Curve
scaleCurve = scalePairs
scaleAnimation :: R -> R -> R -> R -> Animation -> Animation
scaleAnimation xmin xmax ymin ymax (prs,dt)
= let newPrs = map (\(c,t) -> (scaleCurve xmin xmax ymin ymax c, t)) prs
in (newPrs,dt)
scaleAnimations :: R -> R -> R -> R -> [Animation] -> [Animation]
scaleAnimations xmin xmax ymin ymax
= map (scaleAnimation xmin xmax ymin ymax)
-- use on a scaled animation
animationMatter :: Animation -> (Int,Int,Int) -> String
animationMatter (prs,dt) rgb
= concat [oneCurve t dt rgb c | (c,t) <- prs]
animationsMatter :: [(Animation,(Int,Int,Int))] -> String
= concatMap (\(a,c) -> animationMatter a c)