LVC Mathematical Physics Research Group

Summer 2010: Scott Walck, Adam Hansell, Ian Younker, Laura Snyder, Nathan Kearney, Curt Cenci, Chris Ulicny, David Lyons

Current student participants

Curt Cenci '11 (Mathematics)

Adam Hansell '11 (Physics)

Nathan Kearney '12 (Mathematics)

Laura Snyder '11 (Physics)

Chris Ulicny '12 (Mathematics and Computer Science)

Ian Younker '12 (Physics)

Past student participants

Stephanie A. Blanda '09 (Mathematics and Computer Science), currently mathematics PhD student at Pennsylvania State University

Daniel Pitonyak '08 (Mathematics and Physics), currently physics PhD student at Temple University

Robert Schaeffer '07 (Mathematics and Computer Science)

James K. Glasbrenner '06 (Physics), currently physics PhD student at University of Nebraska

Matthew H. Lochman '06 (Mathematics and Physics), currently mathematics PhD student at Texas Tech University

Shawn A. Hilbert '04 (Physics), PhD Physics '09, University of Nebraska, currently assistant professor of physics at Texas Lutheran University

Nicholas Hamblett '04 (Mathematics and Computer Science), currently mathematics PhD student at University of Virginia

Jonathan Pitt '03 (Mathematics and Physics), PhD Engineering '09, Pennsylvania State University, currently research associate at the Applied Research Laboratory at Penn State

Nathan Hansell '02 (Physics), Masters in Science Education '09, LVC, currently secondary school physics teacher, Lebanon, PA